My research focuses on the impact of knowledge and skill flows on economic development. The theoretical framework from which I approach this phenomenon considers the social interactions that characterise the economy as a complex system. In this perspective, it is understood that the system evolves partially conditioned by its past and the territory in which economic activities take place.
My main papers have been published in:
Journal articles
Bianchi, C., Galaso, P.,& Palomeque, S. (2023). Knowledge complexity and brokerage in inter-city networks. The Journal of Technology Transfer.
- Bianchi, C., Galaso, P., Palomeque, S., Picasso, S., & Rodríguez Miranda, A. (2023). Innovación en Uruguay entre 1970 y 2018: una aproximación a través de los datos de patentes. Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 46(3), e364.
Book chapters
- Galaso, P., & Palomeque, S. (forthcoming). Connecting innovation poles with lagging territories: how do collaborations with Europe and Asia influence innovation in Latin American cities? In L. Lazzeretti, T. Ozeki, S. R. Sedita, & F. Capone (Eds.), Rethinking Clusters in Times of Uncertainty: Japanese and European Perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Working papers
- Bianchi, C., Galaso, P., Palomeque, S., Picasso, S., & Rodríguez, A. (2021). Invención y patentes en Uruguay: evidencia empírica entre 1970 y 2018. Serie Documentos de Trabajo. DT 25/2021. Instituto de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administración, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Link
- Bianchi, C., Galaso, P., Palomeque, S. (2021) “The tradeoffs of brokerage in innovation networks: a study of Latin American cities”. Serie Documentos de Trabajo, DT 21/2021. Instituto de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administración, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Link
- Bianchi, C., Galaso, P., Palomeque, S. (2020) “Invention and Collaboration Networks in Latin America: Evidence from Patent Data”. Serie Documentos de Trabajo, DT 04/2020. Instituto de Economía, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administración, Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Link
Ongoing work
- Bianchi, C., Boschma, R., Galaso, P., & Palomeque, S. Cities’ technological portfolio: internal absorptive capacities and external collaboration complementarity. Objective journal: Economic Geography;
- Bianchi, C., Palomeque, S & Rapini, M. University patents in a peripheral system: from individual-led towards an organizational change in patenting activities. Objective journal: Science and Public Policy;
- Galaso, P., & Palomeque, S. The effects of local and global networks on cities’ innovation: improving locally while competing globally. Objective journal: Research Policy;
- Galaso, P., & Palomeque, S. Brain drain or brain circulation? a study of the academic collaboration network in Uruguay. Objective journal: Scientometrics;
- Palomeque, S. Knowledge relatedness and technological diversification. The role of stability, alternatives and redundancy in the diversification. Objective journal: Regional Studies;
- Palomeque, S. The topology of the knowledge relatedness network of technologies. Objective journal: Social Networks;